star field




The identity of 95 percent of energy and mass in the universe eludes us. This may be because we assume space and time are continuous and infinitely divisible rather that quantized like the matter and radiation within them. If space and time are joined in a unity known as spacetime, split up into inumerable indivisible spheres, each a quantum of the smallest possible diameter and time interval, packed into a matrix filling the universe, the bulk of the missing mass-energy is in the gaps between spherical quanta. But the gaps have no spacetime dimensions, even though they form a continuous labyrinth that becomes a second universe, full of dark energy, within the radiant universe of quantized spacetime. But because it has no spacetime dimensions, the energy has no mass or gravity, making it difficult to detect.

Quantizing spacetime gives us a new perspective on so-called black holes. In a gravitational field, spacetime quanta shrink in the direction of the field. When a star runs out of fuel and collapses under its own gravity, spacetime quanta are ultimately compressed into flat circular disks. When this occurs, the disks hold a thin shell of photons over a sphere of bulk energy: a black shell  with the mass of the star that collapsed. The black star formed grows by siphoning photons off its accretion disk or another star. The photon temperature  of the star is exactly the same as that calculated by Michael Hawking for black hole. But there is no bottomless hole, only the the rigid barrier of a black shell of photons around an energy with no spacetime dimensions.


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